Golden Hour Engagement Session at Black's Beach
OKKKKKK, This was a dream golden hour photoshoot and the weather actually behaved this time.
OMG!! The last few times I’ve been to the beach I get a little bummed out because the weatherman has been saying it’ll be sunny and NO! The moment I get to the beach it is actually crazy cloudy and although I love the clouds, people are more likely to go and play in the water when it’s hot and sunny out.
I met Jordyn and David on Instagram and I was so excited to shoot some photos of them at the beach. We went to Black;s Beach in San Diego and going down was a breeze, but let’s just say that I really felt it the way up and got gainzzz just from that LOL.
These two were such troopers during their couple’s session and we had so much fun running, hiking, rolling and splashing on the beach. Their love is so obvious and I have been so excited seeing their wedding preparations on their instagram stories.
Jordyn and David, thank you so much for having me as your photographer. I had so so much fun with you two and loved chasing after you with my camera.
Alriiiiight go scroll to see the highlights of this session!!!!