Joshua Tree Engagement: What to Expect

What to expect if you want your engagement photos in Joshua Tree

This was my very first time taking photos in Joshua Tree and I finally understand what’s the hype all about!

The dramatic landscape, big boulders, sky, weather, and light are just such a photographer’s dream.

McCall and Michael and their awesome style fit in perfectly and their outfits were simple, but bold all at the same time. This is a perfect example of less being more. You just gotta do it right though (like adding some Dr. Martens). We started their session out in the desert focusing in connection and intimacy, headed back to the Airbnb were we were staying, called “High Desert Paradise” where they got to play a little bit in the awesome macramé swings and took advantage of a little shed and used it as a cool backdrop.
After they changed outfits, we went back to the desert and finished their session with some dance moves.

Now, that’s cool and all, but let me tell you what you actually have to think about if you want your engagement session taken in this AMAZING place:

I know, I know, this one seems obvious, but the heat here is NO JOKE.
That day I decided to wear jeans and let me tell you, IT WAS THE WRONG CHOICE! I realized the minute I stepped outside, so, if you want to go to J. Tree, I definitely recommend bringing cool, breathable clothing. I couldn’t believe that I’d say that to anyone and I didn’t follow my own advice 🤦‍♀️

This one is really important because, you know how when you’re in a forest or surrounded by trees and there’s some wind, there are leaves EVERYWHERE? OK. Imagine the same, but change the leaves for THORNS.

Bring some closed shoes that have thick soles to protect your feet from all the thorns and surprise camouflaged cacti from hell that pops out of nowhere.

3. Bring Lotion and Lip Balm and WATER.
Once again, you’ll be in the desert and you’ll feel it QUICK!

4. Time
Make sure you take enough time to drive there and back. There are some cute shops in the area you might want to visit, you might have to stop for food or gas, etc. I loved shooting there closer to sunset because the heat wasn’t as intense, and the light is usually softer. Remember there’s no tree cover in the desert.

5. Consider an Airbnb or a spot to stay out if you actually want to take it all in.
A day might not be enough to enjoy all the perks that Joshua Tree National Park has to offer. We stayed HERE in case you want to check it out!

Are you ready to go to J Tree with me to have your engagement photos taken in the desert?? Send me a message here!

Special thanks to all the people that made this possible!!
Retrear: Roamers Retreat
Venue: High Desert Paradise
Models: McCall and Michael

Kelly Etz

Kelly Etz is a graphic designer, writer, and fisherman sweater enthusiast based in Chicago. She gets her best work done after 1am and spends too much money on fancy shampoo.

Lovers en Barrio Antiguo, Monterrey, Mexico


Intimate Wedding in Vista, CA