How to Choose an Outfit for Your Engagement Photos
This is one of the most popular questions I’ve gotten as a photographer right before a session happens and although I feel it is an easy answer, it has a lot of layers to it (see what I did there?).

Sunset Cliffs Wedding
Wanna have a seaside wedding at Sunset Cliffs, San Diego? I recommend it 100% but there are a few things to keep in mind, so let’s get started.

Que es un Elopement?
Enfocándonos en el significado de la palabra Elopement en inglés, antes significaba: Huir y casarse a escondidas de los papás y de la familia. En otras palabras, era el típico “robarse a la novia” que hemos escuchado a varios de nuestros abuelitos mencionar. Ahora el significado de Elopement ha cambiado y se ha modernizado…

Joshua Tree Engagement: What to Expect
The dramatic landscape, big boulders, sky, weather, and light are just such a photographer’s dream. Now, that’s cool and all, but let me tell you what you actually have to think about if you want your engagement session taken in this AMAZING place…

What is an Elopement & How to Plan One
There are so many different opinions on what you should VS what you should’t do during an elopement. Let’s discuss what it is and isn’t, and how to create a timeline that works for you.