L’Auberge Del Mar Wedding
Weddings Kelly Etz Weddings Kelly Etz

L’Auberge Del Mar Wedding

Whenever someone asks me what is my favorite thing about weddings, my answer will always be: THE PEOPLE and their love for the couple. I do love decor, pretty dresses and everything else, of course, but the highlight of this wedding was for sure the beautiful people in it.

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Intimate Sunrise Wedding in Lake Tahoe
Weddings Kelly Etz Weddings Kelly Etz

Intimate Sunrise Wedding in Lake Tahoe

“Estoy muy enamorado de ti (I am so in love with you)”, as simple as it sounds, was one of the most beautiful things I’ve heard in a long time. It made me remember what a privilege it is to witness such beautiful moments like this.

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Que es un Elopement?
Tips & Tricks, Weddings Kelly Etz Tips & Tricks, Weddings Kelly Etz

Que es un Elopement?

Enfocándonos en el significado de la palabra Elopement en inglés, antes significaba: Huir y casarse a escondidas de los papás y de la familia. En otras palabras, era el típico “robarse a la novia” que hemos escuchado a varios de nuestros abuelitos mencionar. Ahora el significado de Elopement ha cambiado y se ha modernizado…

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