Intimate Sunrise Wedding in Lake Tahoe

OMG! As we were pulling up to the parking lot, nature just started SHOWING OFF!! The golden light started it’s show peeking through the mountains and hitting everything around us so beautifully, but let’s go back a little bit to tell you how this Adventurous Elopement in Lake Tahoe started.

A few months ago I met Aileen online and she told me how they wanted to have an intimate elopement where they could exchange their vows in Lake Tahoe. She wanted the view of the lake and she wanted to have snow.

After planning for quite a bit, we found the perfect spot that had both, the lake AAAND snow.
We knew it was going to be a little bit of a gamble to find snow during in April because the snow season was going to be pretty much over, but I was so happy when they said yes to one of the spots I suggested and even happier when they said sunrise would be amazing.

This is what the day looked like:

4:00 AM - WAKE UP!! I got up and started driving to their hotel to then all drive to the spot in Lake Tahoe where we could park and start hiking.

6:00 ish AM - We parked at this spot where you could see Emerald Bay and although we had planned to go to a different spot for the first part of the Elopement, I saw the light show getting started and HAD TO have a talk with Aileen and Jonathan.

I was like “This is what we have right now and if we move, we’ll have something else that’ll be pretty, but it won’t be THIS”

Aileen and Jonathan were all on board and decided to take the moment in and get started taking advantage of the beautiful golden hour.

That’s how their Intimate Sunrise Wedding started. They made sure their boots were tied correctly, put Jonathan’s red bow tie in place, took their jackets off for a moment, fixed their hair, grabbed the bouquet, and IT STARTED.

These two lovers stood in a secluded spot in nature ready to get married and exchange vows. The beautiful sound of the falls rushing down right next to them and the first light of the day was shinning on their faces made a perfect wedding backdrop.

So much beauty around them and the only thing they both kept staring at was each other. The vows got started and MY GOD! Their eyes and my eyes got all teary with the little I could hear from where I was standing. It might sound cheesy, but truly, the whole world stopped and their full attention was on each other. Right then, nothing else mattered.

That “Estoy muy enamorado de ti (I am so in love with you)”, as simple as it sounds, was one of the most beautiful things I’ve heard in a long time. It was full of emotion and the look on Jonathan’s face as he was saying it looking at Alileen in the eye, made me remember what a privilege it is to witness such beautiful moments like this. 😭😭😭

After their first kiss, the newly weds celebrated with a champagne toast followed by some portraits, and a hike to find some snow.

7:30 ish AM We started hiking up Eagle Falls (if you’re planning on going here to get married, or just to hike, make sure you get a permit that matches what you’ll do. You might or might not need it, but it is your responsibility to find out. You can read about it here) and we were lucky enough to find some snow. We mostly hiked and played around the area.

9:00 AM We headed back and at wrapped it up with Aileen and Jon dancing and hanging out at the end of the trail.

Muchas Felicidades, Aileen y Jonathan!!! Les deseo lo mejor!

Go take a look at their beautiful day and tell me what you think!!

Wanna plan a wedding in nature?? Get started here!

Kelly Etz

Kelly Etz is a graphic designer, writer, and fisherman sweater enthusiast based in Chicago. She gets her best work done after 1am and spends too much money on fancy shampoo.

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